Urban Data Patterns
Society produces a wealth of data which only becomes accessible through analysis and visualisation in order to create insights. There lies a large, untapped potential in the visualisation of complex data. «Urban Data Patterns», a collaboration with Hahn+Zimmermann, is interfacing the fields of visual design and data science and has the goal of developing independent concepts for the visualisation of large data sets. The data used in the project provide information on various aspects of everyday urban life (such as lost property, number of passengers, air pollution, etc.). This view of the city and its data from the perspective of information graphics and computation allows a new form of exploration of the data and provides unusual insights.
With the kind support of:
Berner Designstiftung, Burgergemeinde Bern, Jubiläumsstiftung der Schweizerischen Mobiliar Genossenschaft, Pro Helvetia